Keira Knightley goes makeup-less for a date night with her bf, James Righton

These are some new photos of Keira Knightley with her boyfriend, James Righton, out in London last night. She and James had dinner with James at La Bodega Negra and then they went to The Box with some friends to see Jean-Philippe Rio-Py. One of Keira’s “friends” included Downton Abbey hottie Dan Stevens! Now I kind of want Dan Stevens and Keira to get together, but that’s a discussion for another time. Keira has been dating James for more than a year, it seems. Keira and Rupert Friend broke up back in December of 2010, and shortly after the split, Keira was spotted with James frequently around London. Righton is the keyboardist and vocalist for the indie band Klaxons. James is cute, but why does she always go for the fey ones? I’d like to see her with a man’s man, just once.

I think Keira looks cute and low-key in these photos. The clothes aren’t flattering, I don’t think she’s wearing any makeup and her hair is a hot mess, and I like it. I like that she goes out like this. It’s refreshing. In a new piece with Interview Magazine, Keira spoke about her self-consciousness with her body, saying “I’m incredibly self-conscious about the fact that I get bad skin” and she finds herself focusing on “the bits you don’t particularly… Do I sometimes feel incredibly shy about going out even in a bathing costume into a swimming pool? Yeah, actually, I do. I was on the beach the other day … with some friends. They were all totally fine taking everything off and I was sitting around in my jeans and a top. I kind of didn’t want to take anything off.” But Keira also says that “…At a certain point, I’ve had to get over my own body anxiety issues so it doesn’t get in the way of telling the story.”

By the way, I finally saw A Dangerous Method over the weekend, and I was surprised by how good Keira was in the film. I’d read several reviews where Keira was described as “the weak link” in the trio of performances (which also included Michael Fassbender and Viggo Mortensen), but I thought her performance was very brave. And of course, Fassy spanked the hell out of her. It was pretty awesome.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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49 Responses to “Keira Knightley goes makeup-less for a date night with her bf, James Righton”

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  1. Bite me says:

    Very pretty skin

  2. Rose says:

    i’m so jealous of those girls that can still look amazing without a patch of make up lol. Good for her, i used to hate her for no reason but she’s growing up nicely

  3. She is very pretty.

    They have matching eyebrows.

  4. RocketMerry says:

    She looks very pretty and I like her a lot.
    In these pictures she doesn’t look barefaced, though. I think she has quite a lot of foundation on, and maybe some tiny bit of brownish-beige eyeshadow. Cute.

    • jamie says:

      Yeah she’s not wearing movie premiere makeup but she definitely has some on.

      Love her too, I think she’s one of the most stunning young actresses out there and I think she picks interesting projects.

    • kit says:

      Of course she’s wearing make up. It’s really naive to think she is wearing no make up at all imo. I can see at least mascara and eye shadow.
      Like you said, it’s because the make up they wear for premieres etc is so heavy that she looks so natural.
      I do think she looks great.

  5. aenflex says:

    ugh i just can’t stand her. sigh.

    • polk8dot says:

      Agreed. I was repelled by her from the beginning, because she seemed to be the same in every single movie, and that bothers me to no end (this is not called acting; it’s called being yourself, with Julia Roberts being the evil genius queen of that type of ‘performance giving’).
      But when I saw her in ‘Pride and Prejudice’, that was the end of any hope of possible future acceptance of her. I think that more than in any of her other projects, she COMPLETELY DESTROYED this movie. (‘Doctor Zhivago’ being a close second). She was so obnoxious, so ‘modern’ – just as if she walked into that movie from today’s streets of London, and it made her stick out like a sore thumb. And I really can’t stand her default ‘go-to’ expresion for any emotion – jutting her lower jaw outwards (even more that it normally is).
      So, anyway – can’t stand her anymore. When she was with Rupert Friend, they looked like two TB-patients, they were so emaciated. She does look better now, and yet she NEVER EVER looks happy, no matter who she’s with.

      I definitely believe that she’s been way over-hyped and over-praised as an actress, and she seems to actually accept it as due her, which is another reason for my dislike.

      • merc says:

        She’s most definitely overhyped and overrated, but so are a lot of others with less skills. I think she’s actually a good actor and I like that she’s willing to take some risks with her choice of roles and her performances.

      • Mia says:

        What? Most critics loved her in Pride and prejudice, I thought it was quite good as well. And she was nominated for an Oscar. I think opinion on her looks might be rather divisive but generally she’s accepted as a decent actress. Obviously no Meryl Streep but she’s better than many of her peers and has held her own in movies like The Duchess and Atonement. Those kind of directors and movies don’t cast bad actors

      • Cinesnatch says:

        I enjoyed her in Love, Actually. But, she didn’t impress me until I saw her in A Dangerous Method.

  6. Maria says:

    She has such a lovely skin-tone! Although she isn’t wearing the most flattering of duds, she looks loved-up and comfortable. She usually annoys the crap out of me, but I like her here.

  7. lizzief says:

    I find her lack of style refreshing. It takes you back to the day before celebrity stylists when actresses kind of dressed badly but in a quirky, personal kind of way.

  8. QQ says:

    I Usually want to punch her in the Jaw

    ……. And i still do!

    But she does have amazing skin

    • Flea says:

      After watching her performance in A Dangerous Method I wanted to punch her in the jaw. Never more annoying!

  9. Boo says:

    I love her and the fact that she says “bathing costume.”

  10. Rhea says:

    She is still pretty without her make up.. but her boyfriend… for some reason to me he looked like a skinny version of Perez Hilton without the bleached hair..

    • podzol says:

      I was just about to write the same!! A skinny Perez doppelgänger. Am not so sure it’s a compliment towards the poor lad, but er… he seems nice and friendly :).

    • brin says:

      Yeah….I wish she was still with Rupert Friend.

    • rtms says:

      Oh my yes that is exactly who he looks like. He’s really fug. I really thought she would dump him because he was so much a rebound coming so soon after Rupert.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      EXACTLY! Not the most photogenic dude I’ve ever seen. She annoys me but she does look fantastic without makeup. Wish I had skin like that!

    • Jen D says:

      That’s it! That’s who he looks like! It’s been driving me crazy, but you’re absolutely right. I knew he reminded me of someone…

  11. Elizabeth says:

    Bang on with the Perez Hilton remark. I knew I saw something but couldn’t put a name to it.

  12. Maya says:

    God, she’s gorgeous.

  13. Gene Parmesan says:

    Find a man’s man…he looks like one of those 7th garders that get soooo tall over the summer. Plus im pretty sure Dan’s sexy self is married with a new born

  14. Rachel says:

    Dan Stevens is married with a small child so I don’t thinking wishing him on Keira Knightly is a very good idea.

  15. LadyJane says:

    I get the menswear look she is rocking, but does she have a mustache to match?

  16. Katren says:

    If I looked that good without makeup I wouldn’t bother with it either!

  17. Gine says:

    She looks really good without makeup. I don’t know why makeup artists always seem to spackle her with eyeshadow and lipstick for photo shoots, she looks better without it.

    That guy is…not cute. And yeah, he looks like a kid. I was always hoping she and Rupert would stay together–can you imagine the cheekbones their kids would have?

  18. Melanie says:


  19. Tiffany says:

    Yep. She is another one where I say, ‘Has she ever been single?’ I just don’t buy her as a paparazzi target. It almost seems like she makes the call when she wants to roll out the new guy. Its as if she is telling the dude, ‘I am going to keep you around for awhile.’ Ah Keira, I just can’t dislike you.

  20. mia girl says:

    Never read the reviews, so I’m surprised her performance was described that way.
    I actually thought she was the strong link in that film. Everyone else had to play it so rational and contained, and she was the visceral connection to the story .

  21. Whatever!!! says:

    She looks amazing. But I’m wondering why she’s dating a 15 year old. Seriously he looks 15.

  22. Noncontentious says:

    I thought she was amazing in Dangerous Method as well – excellent performance. She really has grown.

    And yes, I kinda hate/love her for The Fass spank.

  23. Lisa says:

    I don’t understand people who leave the house without makeup.

    • strawberrycake says:

      I’m curious. Why?

      I wear it sometimes, and sometimes not. I have nice skin (one of the few things I appreciate about my appearance, I guess), and I don’t feel like slathering chemical-ridden make-up on my face all the time (I know, bare minerals…but that’s not the point). I like to be fresh-faced and get up and go. It’s comfortable. I can’t bring myself to bother with makeup a lot of the time. I have a hard time understanding women who insist on makeup every time they leave the house because it’s very synthetic, for one, and seems like a pain in the rear. So, I’m curious about your statement, and I really do want to know your perspective. It’s interesting.

    • Alexis says:

      Lisa…NOTHING is more attractive/enviable than a person who just exists, and is beautiful, without an ounce of beauty product. Nothing.

  24. miriam says:

    She still looks terrific. Nice to see a celeb wihtout makeup that doesn’t turn out looking horrendous.

  25. ocean says:

    she looks homely to me. There is nothing special about any of these so called celebs. They spend hours in make up and hair to make themselves “look” beautiful. That majority of them are FUG.

  26. Alexis says:

    Her chest is so small; and I say that neutrally as a general observation. I can’t even imagine wearing a sweater and not having these things give it a lumpy shape.

    • merc says:

      I’m glad she hasn’t opted for implants. I have nothing against a little plastic surgery when it’s done tastefully, but it’s refreshing to see an actress who is comfortable with what she has.

  27. merc says:

    Fine actress and she looks stunning, though I do see some makeup. Many people look fresher and younger without makeup, and almost everyone looks better with a lighter touch.

  28. Jordi says:

    Is his last name Righton or Right! On!

  29. Vera says:

    It looks like she had a tad on the eyes at the least – maybe a light powder foundation (otherwise her skin is looking really amazing). Nothing huge, and it looks fine. I even prefer it on her like this than some of her red carpet looks.

  30. Zoe says:

    Beautiful woman and its great to see her out without make-up. She has always been a little natural/bohemianism and like her style.

  31. SillyB says:

    I hate to say this but she does have makeup on…she’s wearing natural-hued eye shadow and probably some light facial powder. No, she is not wearing lipstick or mascara, but that’s about all.

  32. ichsi says:

    Hmm, not undressing at beach, baggy clothes, can you say anorexic body issues?